Terms of Use

To ensure the smooth running of the blog, there are some basic rules that anyone wishing to participate must meet:
Everything that has not to do with this subject will be automatically out of the forum.
The purpose of this blog is to disseminate science around HIV and share all kinds of related experiences.
There are two basic principles: respect people and respect everyone’s ideas.
Messages with illegal content, commercial content or spam are not accepted.
Personal attacks or insults are not accepted either.
This blog is aimed at being a tool for participation and cooperation. Please keep this in mind when writing your messages, making them clear, simple and easy to understand.
This blog is under moderation. This means that there is a group of people who will ensure that it works properly and that its contents meet the rules described here. At any time, moderators can delete a comment if they consider it necessary, in case it doesn’t meet these basic rules or disrupt the proper functioning of the blog. If you disagree with the elimination of a particular comment or the action of the moderators, you can contact them to try to reach an agreement, make your complaint or know the reasons why it has been eliminated. In any case the forum should be used to contest the moderation of a message.
Try to fit in your comment with the post where it is published. If the moderators consider appropriate to change a comment from a post to another for its content, shall they be free to do so.
Do not use the blog as a channel for chat. Messages posted here should be of general interest, and not intended to communicate with a small group of drug users.
Each individual user is responsible for her opinions and actions within the blog, and shall assume legal consequences of her actions.
You are not allowed to transmit through the blog any content that violates any right of intellectual or industrial property. It is required to mention the author and the publisher when referencing a publication.
In a message does not meet these rules, the moderators may choose one of the following options:
Editing: editing the content of your messages, removing the material that violates these rules.